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2024 Cultural Event Schedule
2024 National Hangeul Museum Cultural Event Schedule
Saturday Events : Every Second & Last Saturday of the month, 1pm & 3pm
Saturday Events : Every Second & Last Saturday of the month, 1pm & 3pm
date type Contents
1.13. Play Fairy and the Woodcutter
Performer : Theater
1.27. Korean Traditional Performance The Jump, the Spin, and the Fly
Performer : The Gwangdae
2.17. Modern Korean Classical Music Korean Classical Music Concert with Animations
Performer : Samul nori Ttamtti
2.24. Modern Korean Classical Music Let's make a visit to Seoul
Performer : Perfect_6th
3.9. Korean Traditional Performance Primordial sounds, Earthy echoes 'Hun' and 'Yulgi'
Performer : Space Seoriseori
3.30. Dance Dance with Poems
Performer : GoodGoodArt
4.13. Mixed Performance Lala Shadow Theater
Performer : Magic Play
4.27. Play Letter from Lee Jung-seob the Painter
Performer : Theatre Bom
5.11. Music The Carnival of the Animals with commentary
Performer : Melody Grove
5.25. Modern Korean Classical Music Korean Poems in Gayageum and Songs
Performer : Jung Mina
6.8. Play Three Friends with Talents
Performer : The Group of Creation Mask Mud
6.29. Mixed Performance The World is One
Performer : Korean-African Music and Dance
7.13. Dance Exciting Korean Traditional Dance Festival
Performer : Ryu dancecompany
7.27. Music Poet Kim Sowol meets Jazz
Performer : Libri
8.10. Korean Traditional Performance Creative Traditional Musical Play 'Area of Doggaebi'
Performer : PyeongtaekNongak
8.31. Music The Beauty of Repetition
Performer : Nuri Collective
9.14. Mixed Performance Red Bean Porridge Granny and Tiger
Performer : White Cat Theatre
9.28. Play The Child who helped carrying the Bag
Performer : Stubborn Child Company

* The schedule is subject to change due to the museum availability.
